Sergio Fantoni (Rome, 7 August 1930) is an Italian actor and director.
Son of art, he is active in the world of theater, cinema, television and radio since the early fifties. As a film actor, he also worked abroad, living an intense professional season in Hollywood, especially in the sixties.

A website that traces Sergio Fantoni’s career from movies to theater, from television to radio. Many of Sergio Fantoni’s accuantances are documented by videos and dozens of photos that have been completely restored for this website that covers half a century of memories. Frank Sinatra, Claudia Cardinale, Paul Newman, Alain Delon, James Cobourn, Doris Day, Lee Van Cleef, Gina Lollobrigida, Rock Hudson, Giovanna Ralli, Vittorio Gassman and many others at the cinema, and then Luchino Visconti, Paolo Stoppa, Rina Morelli, Luca Ronconi, Giancarlo Sbragia, Laura Betti, Gino Cervi, Mario Scaccia, a very young Virna Lisi and many others for the theater.

A website that is a reminder of what the show was from the mid-1950s to the new millennium. The best description of our work has been made by Sergio Fantoni himself in the Blog of the website:

Good ! Here we are! That is, we are in June 2018 (my mother !!!) that is, in a month or so, exactly on August 7th, I will begin to walk in my eighty-ninth year !!!

Perhaps this is why my friends Flaminio and Fabio gave me the gift to put my website back on line. And what a site! Many, but many links, that immerse you in the various worlds that my career as an actor has lived or simply skirted. I also plan to use it as a “Freud” couch.

I have never been to the psychoanalyst. I thought I did not need it, but today, at this moment in my life, I realize that I was wrong. I would like to use this beautiful website as a cave of remembered memories.

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